We invest in the transition of the blue economy.
As one of the first teams dedicated to ocean investing, we envision a system that supports positive outcomes and financial results.
Despite their global influence on all major economies and industries, oceans have been an area of historical underinvestment. But the paradigm is changing. We believe that the oceans sector is in a renaissance period of innovation, presenting extensive investable opportunities that have the potential to drive outsized change across the interconnected global economy.
Examples include:
Industry and government efforts to decarbonize the global economy will have a profound effect on intensive industries that operate on the ocean as well as the ocean itself as the largest carbon sink.
Ocean Intelligence
Advancements in digital, data-driven technologies are enabling the transformation of the existing blue economy. Examples of enabling technologies include earth observation, software, sensing, data integration and predictive analytics.
Blue Biotech and Materials
We have discovered only a fraction of the materials and molecules in the ocean with transformative potential for human and planetary health. Sustainable exploration and harvesting of ocean materials is an opportunity space with exponential potential.
“The multi-trillion-dollar ocean sector has traditionally been undiscovered, underegulated and underinvested at a global level. But there are signals of change.”
Larsen MettlerManaging DirectorOceans, Venture & Growth